About Us
When children enter kindergarten, they take their first steps into society.
At Nakamura Shirayuri Kindergarten, we respect the independence and creativity of each child.
Through our daily interaction with the children, we encourage them to think for themselves and to learn to accomplish things on their own.We believe this is the best environment for the child to develop both mentally and physically.
By helping each individual to develop their own personalities, we endeavor to nurture globally-minded children.
Please join us in raising your children to meet their future challenges.
All of our kindergarten staff (teachers, office staff, kitchen staff, bus drivers, etc.) work together to help the children reach their full potential.
Our Values
At NSK, we respect each child’s individuality and nurture each child’s development appropriately. We take pride in our long history and in our progressive curriculum which we continually strive to develop and expand.
By nurturing each child’s individuality and creativity, we facilitate their healthy development. Also, by creating an international environment for the children from an early age, we are dedicated to providing a unique service.
and Honesty

and independence

and Compassion

What We Do
A nutritionally-balanced and healthy lunch

With the children’s health as our number one priority, we provide homemade lunches prepared from carefully selected ingredients. Nutritionally-balanced and created with children’s food preferences in mind, our lunch helps to remedy an unbalanced diet. Our menus include international foods and traditional Japanese foods. Lunch is prepared in our kitchen, so the children can enjoy freshly prepared hot and cold meals.
Raising internationally-minded children through contact with English speakers

In order to help our children learn English as naturally as possible, our full-time native-speaking teachers teach them English during kindergarten hours. Rather than simply teaching the children English, we have created an environment where children naturally come into contact with English when playing or doing other activities.
We believe kindergarten years are extremely important years for language development in children, and that they absorb more in a fun environment. Outside English class time the children meet our English teachers and English-speaking staff and come into contact with English as they play and have fun.
Daily Routine
Early Morning Service 8:00-8:30
※Separate fee applies
This service is only available to those that need early morning service due to work or other reasons. Advance booking is required as it is out-of-hours childcare.

Drop Off 8:30~
The children arrive by bus or get dropped off by their parents.

Playing Outside ~9:30
After the morning preparations, it’s time play outside! The children can play loudly and freely with their friends in the large playground. Staff members watch over the children to ensure their safety.

Warm Up Exercise 9:30
All the children get together and dance to the children’s favourite songs. The teachers bring lots of fun songs and the children always seem to enjoy dancing to them. After the dance, each year group has a short marathon.

Morning Homeroom 10:00
Each class is divided into groups to sing morning greetings and seasonal songs. The little helpers of the day step forward to present.

Morning Activities 10:15~
The content changes from day to day, but mainly includes swimming, arts and crafts, gymnastics and English lessons. On sunny days, the children run in the school yard or go to the fields to observe nature.

Lunch 12:00
Children look forward to lunch time. At our school, children receive a hot lunch prepared by the school itself. The little helpers lead the lunch greetings. By enjoying the meal together, the children’s likes and dislikes gradually disappear.

Playing Outside ~13:00
After lunch it’s time to play outside in the playground. On rainy days, the children play in their rooms with blocks, clay, drawing, etc.

Afternoon Activities 13:00~
Each class do arts and crafts, dances or practices keyboard harmonica in their rooms. On sunny days, each year group also goes outside for recreation.

Afternoon Homeroom 13:30~
After getting ready to go home, everyone says their goodbyes to each other. Whenever there is time, we also read stories or monthly children’s books. Younger children with extra-curricular activities go to their own extra-curricular classes.

Home Time 13:50~
The children go home by bus or get collected by parents.

Extended Day Care ~18:00
※Separate fee applies
This service is available to those who are unable to pick up their child after the end of the daycare period due to work or other reasons.
For more information, please attend the open day at the kindergarten. (Current preschool students can book at any time via the parents’ page.)

We have three buses at kindergarten which pick up the children in the morning and take them home after kindergarten finishes.
The buses take various routes in Tsukuba and Tsuchiura Cities.
Our experienced drivers and friendly teachers take all necessary precautions to ensure the children have a safe and comfortable trip.

Extended Day Care “Nakayoshi Club”
We offer extended care from the end of the kindergarten day until 6pm. This service is mainly available for families who cannot pick up their children at drop-off time, such as dual-income families. Snacks are provided and, with the exception of the prescribed holidays (weekends, national holidays, New Year’s holidays, etc.), care is also available during the long spring, summer and winter holidays.
For more information, please attend the open day at the kindergarten.
※Separate fee applies

Extra Curricular Activities
We offer various extra curricular activities for kids to attend after kindergarten hours, such as English, Swimming, Arts and Crafts, Music, Gymnastics, Dance, and Soccer.